domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014


A cor da dor é azul
coma o das bágoas
e coma o do seu nome.

Doe cando lembras
cando te viches nos seus ollos
ou cando deixou de mirarte.

Berras cara un ceo que non oe
cara un futuro que non chega
e cara o pasado que aferras.

Soamentes ergueraste de novo
se finalmente entendes
a cor da dor é azul.

sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014

mércores, 13 de agosto de 2014

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014


Maybe it's time
to say goodbye
to begin my travels.

I will get
the oak's wisdom
the lightning's strength
the wind's bravery.

I will become
better than I was
better than I am.

Maybe next time
I will be good enough for you
but now I'm not
now I say bye.

xoves, 7 de agosto de 2014

Final split

I want to cry
but I don't remember how
I want to burn
at least once.

My fractured soul
bleeds in silence
the unknown beauty.

I only want to know
how smells your heat
and taste loved lips.

martes, 5 de agosto de 2014

Dark fire

Kept in the depth
there is a dark fire
consuming lost secrets.

Under the black gravestone
the nightmare will be reborn
of flame´s ashes.

I´m lost in my emotions
trying to rise again
but unless you help me,
this is the end.

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2014


I´m a traveller
who walks with the wind
and with the rain.

I fly with the stars
and talk to the moon
reflected in a lake.

I´m the watcher
of those long shadows
which twilight owns.

I´m free
Do you see it?
It´s this skylight.

venres, 1 de agosto de 2014

Fifth element

Lonely in my dreams
diving in my wishes
where a crack is living.

I have a broken emotion,
one of the oldest pains
hit it with an axe of death.

Now it grows as a white rose
alone in it´s brightness
but with the power
of a fallen angel.